Today I shall be telling you a case where a person was settled outside the country but something happened that his days automatically became worst and worst. So before going over the full action on the case study ,I shall pray God for all of you to be Hale and hearty as well as god may show HIS grace over you forever. Dear this case study which I am writing or which I write, my primary focus is that if you ever get trapped in same type of situation you can follow the remedy but with full faith. It is sure that if you follow the remedy keeping utmost faith on God you will get benefit as your problem will be solved to much extent.
Case study
Let us assume the person name as tom , who is object of our case study. I remember that the time was 8:30 p.m, when somebody knocked at my worship place. One person was Umesh, who was near and dear as my family member and the other person I could not recognise. I made the gesture to sit down. When they sat, Umesh folded hands in respect and started talking about the normal controversies existing in the political scenario. After 5 minutes Umesh came on the point.He Introduced me to the person who came with Umesh as Tom. Umesh said that Tom was trapped in many problem. I asked Tom to tell about his problem.
Tom was doing a job in a bank. He told me that he had been doing a job in New Zealand. He lived in New Zealand for 10 years. He earned handsome salary there in New Zealand. His wife felt lonely in foreign country therefore he took new job in Dubai. After doing the job for 5 years in Dubai he came to India to his parental home as Tom parents had become old. Tom earned heavy amount in 15 years so he wanted to start a business in India.
After the introduction Tom told me his problem. He said he invested 10 or 11 lakh in RO (purified water) business. He gave the charge to his cousin who brought down the business in such a way that heavy loss incurred in business.He Invested 10 lacs in real estate business that was also a big failure. Since Tom was a benevolent person he gave about 8 lakhs to his friends who were in problem but nobody gave him back the money. In short about 25 to 30 lakh were blocked. He told me that he was taking help of some powerful person to get back the money but that also did not work. All his money was blocked and he could not establish a single business.
After hearing the problem I saw so many gems and stones in his finger. I asked only about one gem i.e. blue sapphire. I asked him the price of blue sapphire.He said that the cost of blue sapphire was twenty five thousand. I understood the price of blue sapphire and also its power. I asked him when did he wear the blue sapphire. Tom answered that he wore it 6 months before. I asked him the result of wearing blue sapphire. He said that nothing positive happened in 6 months and after 4 months of wearing blue sapphire, gallbladder operation took place at random. I asked him to sit in front of me.
When Tom sat in front of me, I meditated over him. In my meditation I found that his Saturn was totally afflicted for some 5 or 6 years. After that saturn would behave normal for Tom. In my meditation I also found that blue sapphire was not working, although the saturn was afflicted. But there was one thing I found something paranormal present in in Tom’s home.I asked Tom about the suspected Paranormal Activity. Tom looked towards Umesh, he said that his wife had some paranormal problem. I did not say anything about her because Tom had come for different problem. Since there was the problem of Saturn only I told in the remedy. I also told him to remove the blue sapphire from his finger at once.
First remedy– I told him to burn two mustard oil clay lamps before the Statue of Lord Hanuman. If Lord Hanuman is not available then burn it before your holy book.
Second Remedy – I give him a Mantra ‘Om Namo hanumate aaveshai aaveshai swaha’. This was to be recited 101 times daily.
Third remedy– I told Tom to read 4 pages of His holy book daily.
Fourth remedy– He had to burn a piece of camphor before holy book daily before going to bed at night.
Fifth remedy -I told him to Sprinkle holy water in whole house daily before going to bed at night.
This was a latest case. Remedy is going on but in these three months after starting the remedy about eight lakhs has come in his pocket .
Thank you ,goodbye, I love you.