Hi dear readers, how are you. Hope this post finds you Hale and hearty. Again I welcome you all to paranormallsolution.com, where you will be safe and sound from every problem. Today we shall be discussing about the magic of clove. In every type of Pooja or worship, clove plays an important role. By many types of Pooja I mean to say that whether one is indulged in God’s worship or one is involved in demon’s worship, clove plays an important role.
Clove can be imagined as a nuclear energy which can be used in destructive as well as in constructive way. Use of clove or this weapon is used in many ways. So that is why we have to discuss whether Clove is a boon or bane. Clove can be used in destroying the negative energy as well in giving power to negative energy. In every auspicious events clove is used, while in every tantrik Puja or demon’s worship, clove has an important place.
Clove is like a mace. Mace was being used as a weapon in olden days. If you see Lord Hanuman, his weapon is mace. It is like a sphere placed over a rod. Clove is very powerful similar to mace. In every Puja or tantrik Puja you will be advised to take full clove. By full Clove I mean to say Sphere + Rod. According to my experience 60% energy is inside a spherical part while the rod part contains 40% energy. If we use only the rod part of clove, we get 40% of result only.
One thing you should note that you cannot use only spherical part because it gets broken after it separates from rod. So either you use 40%( rod part of clove) energy or 100% percent(spherical+ rod part ofclove) energy . You cannot use 60% (spherical part of clove) energy as its power get destroyed by being broken when separated from rod. So I hope you have understood the significance of shape of cloves. Clove is antiviral and has got many healing properties. So in other words we can say that clove has energy which is used for different purposes. Due to this property, it’s energy is used for enhancing negative energy as well as destroying the negative energy. When you use the Clove in increasing the power of negative energies so that they work for you is a bane and using Clove in saving a person from negative energy is a boon.
Person who use cloves for attaining power through wrong means, in this case cloves are boon for them but bane for humanity. Using a particular energy or a thing in a specific way make it boon or bane. Knife is used for chopping the head as well as chopping the vegetables. Apart from cloves I have seen many things for example turmeric, which are used for healing purpose ,they have the property to be used in paranormal activities.
One thing you should keep in mind that any natural thing which is used for different purposes has the properties to be used in paranormal activities. This is the basic principle for the things to be used in paranormal activities and gods activities. See around you, you will find many natural things used for many different purposes. After turmeric I would like to name nutgrass. Now find yourself other things or natural things used for different purposes.
I am not here to discuss the benefits of cloves or how to use cloves in a tantrik way or God’s way. Clove is a multipurpose thing therefore its aura has different colours. Everything has aura or energy pool around it. If different colours had not been associated with aura of cloves it would not have been used in many ways. Every natural thing used in multipurpose way has energy Pool or aura as a combination of many colours.
Clove is a very powerful weapon if associated with second natural thing. That is why cloves become so much powerful with lemon, clove become very powerful with camphor but natural camphor should be used. Cloves effect is blasting when used with particular Mantra as the energy of clove become thousand times more.
I advise you to do experiment with cloves by reciting Gods Mantra and associate cloves with second natural thing. By God’s Mantra, cloves become so much powerful that it can do wonders for a person who is suffering with ailments either concerned with medical world or paranormal world.
Thank you , bye bye , I love you.