Hi readers, today I shall be discussing a most fearsome case, where doctor gave the name of Hallucination but exactly it was the most typical case concerned with paranormal bodies i.e. ghost. In my website paranormall solution.com I discuss cases because it might help you all in one or other circumstances. Sometimes it happens that mind become so much confused that it is unable to take the decision rather we can say right decision. In that situation this case study might help you. It is so because I always tell the remedy and the remedy can be fruitful in any circumstances. Before going over the case study I would wish you good health and may God be graceful always over you.
Case study
This case which I am going to discuss with you concerned with a girl of 11 years old. Let us start the real discussion. I was sitting in my worship place on Tuesday. One husband and wife came to meet me. They were Arun and Rita. Both of them were government servant.They were drawing handsome salaries so they were financially very well. They Introduced me with the above introduction. Both were very soft spoken and good natured. When I asked about their problem, they told me that the problem was concerned with their daughter Kirti . Rita told me that her daughter Kirti was 11 years old and was studying in 5th standard.
Rita told me that Kirti would get unconscious two times a day or 3 time a day. According to Rita, frequency of unconsciousness would increase at the time of puranmashi (full moon) and Amavasya (no moon). The frequency of unconsciousness would increase up to 6 or 7 times a day on puranmashi and Amavasya. I asked her about the medical reports. She said that doctors had given two tablets, which had to be eaten in a day. One tablet was of multivitamin and other was the sleeping pill . Kirti had to take the tablets at night. All her reports were normal and according to doctors some nerve of kirti’s head was creating problem.
After listening all this I told Arun and Rita to bring kirti at my worship place. I gave them the appointment of next Saturday.
On Saturday all of them came i.e. Arun ,Rita and Kirti. They were present on time. When I saw kirti, she was looking normal. After a while I noticed that kirti’s eye ball was going up and started vanishing in the eyelid and she became unconscious. Arun caught Kirti and took her in his lap. Rita said ‘bhaiya this is the only problem’. When she said ‘only’ I felt somewhat uncomfortable, I did not know why.
Kirti came to senses in almost 30 seconds and she was looking fine as she was before the state of unconsciousness. I told Kirti to sit just in front of me. When I meditated over her by putting thumb over the centre of forehead and first three fingers over the centre of head she again became unconscious. It was very strange for me as her chakras were perfect but as soon as I gave her mantra energy (I was reciting Mantra in my mind) she became unconscious. I was astonished because the chakras of centre forehead and centre of head were in perfect condition and had full energy. So the question was that how she became unconscious when I provided energy over the chakra.
It was clear that something was present beyond ‘only’ which I had mentioned before. I told Arun and Rita to bring Holy Water, rose water, kewra water and hundred grams of powdered turmeric.
You know what is the significance of these four things. When Holy water is applied with Mantra over the persons navel or any part of the body, it provides divine energy by making the surface clear over that part of body. After that I apply rose water and kewra water which give more permanency to divine energy provided by holywater and mantra. Both rose water and kewra water act as an insulator also, which do not let the divine energy escape from the body or part of the body where it is applied. Now see the role of powdered turmeric. In last I take about three pinches of powdered turmeric and convert it into a dilute paste by adding three or four drops of holy water into the powdered turmeric. Then the paste is applied over the body part.This paste will act as permanent insulator and energy provider. So I told them to bring the required things along with Kirti on next Tuesday.
On Tuesday they were present with all the things. I told kirti to lie down in front of me on her back. I told Rita to remove the cloth of kirti away from her navel. I pressed her navel with soft hands but Kirti started screaming with pain. Ache in the navel signify many things,which I will discuss in some blog post again. I filled the holy water in small trench created by pressing navel portion by thumb. Kirti again became unconscious. When I saw this, many things originated in my mind. To become sure I again did the same process and the same result of unconsciousness appeared. It became a big question ………. To be continued.