Good morning, Good afternoon, good evening good night. Greeting to the elders and love to the younger ones. Dear readers today I shall be discussing with you an indication which will warn you against the role of negative energy. Now through different cases which I have dealt with, today I try to tell the origin of problem and its rectification. If you might face such situation this article will be great help for you.
Many cases come to me having similar problems, so you might be one of them facing the same problem. In this context , article written by me will provide you great help as when problem comes, mind does not work at full level. So let’s start the case.
Generally rainy season comes with many new diseases. Dengue fever is also one of them. So the incidence is full of illness but behind it something other you will find, read yourself.
A student of mine ,named Vaibhav (changed name) came to me with the problem, accompanied by his mother. Vaibhav’s Family had become near and dear to our family. Since it was a problem, we all sat in a place of worship. Vaibhav knew that I was staunch follower of God and provided remedies , so he came to me with the problem. His Mother narrated the full story. She told that the Vaibhav’s elder sister was married in Ajmer in Rajasthan. Name of sister was Geeta. Geeta’s husband was a Hindi lecturer in university. Geeta was also doing the job of teacher in a school. Geeta had two children,a boy and a girl. Boy was studying in class 8 and girl was studying in class fifth.
After giving the introduction Vaibhav’s mother came on the real problem. She said that Geeta’s family had been trapped by illness. I asked them the matter. She told that three weeks before Geeta’s husband suffered with dengue fever. After 4 days both the children were trapped by dengue. When Karan (Geeta’s husband) healed from illness,geeta was caught by dengue.
His Mother said that till then everything was fine. Every family suffers with illness. But then again the news had come that all the four persons living in Ajmer had been admitted to nearby hospital again by dengue fever. She said that something bad had been developing. I thought she might be correct because her age was about 72 and she had much experience in life.
She said that somebody had done tantrik activities over them in Ajmer. She told me that in Ajmer somebody had told them the same reason she was thinking. I said that if he had told the reason then why he could not rectify the problem. Dear readers one thing I would like to tell you that telling somebody about the problem is not the great thing. To rectify the problem is a great thing.
I asked Vaibhav’s Mother to send Vaibhav to Ajmer and from there he should send me the dust of the house. She said that Vaibhav was leaving for Ajmer next day as nobody was there to take care of them.
After a week vaibhav’s mother came again with the dust of house from Ajmer. She kept the dust before me. When I meditated over the dust, I could feel small black bubbles emanating from the dust. According to my experience small black bubble are full of negative energy and they usually exist in graveyard or cremation centre.
Now the question was, who bought the dust of graveyard or cremation ground, another question was that, had somebody intentionally brought the dust in their house. I told Vaibhav mother about what I saw in meditation .
She became suspicious over their neighbours.I told her not to doubt anybody without the evidence. I told Vaibhav’s mother to ask Karan or Geeta ,had they gone to any place like graveyard or cremation ground.
Next day Vaibhav’s mother came and she was looking very angry. She was cursing Karan who had done the mistake. She told me that he had gone, a month before to cremation place.From there he returned to house at 8:00 p.m.He neither took the bath nor he washed his clothes.
So readers, you should keep in mind that whenever you return from graveyard or cremation place ,take bath at once and wash all your clothes. Also put in your mouth some bitter thing. It is so because these places are full of negative energies, god knows in what shape they accompany you at home. Same happened with Karan, a small mistake made him cost so much.
Then it was the time of rectification. I told them three remedies to do for 8 days. Since Vaibhav was there in house so he had to do all the remedy.
First remedy – sprinkle Holy Water 4 times in a day i.e.morning , afternoon evening and at night.
2nd Remedy- In all the room burn a lamp of mustard oil after 10 p.m. Quantity of mustard oil should be such that the lamp burns till 4 a.m.
Third remedy – I asked vaibhav to bring a coconut from market. Wrap the coconut with new red cloth. Then touch the covered coconut with God feet .One more thing ,take half kg of rice, get it wet with holy water and Sprinkle some turmeric powder over it. After that put the yellow rice in a bowl . Now over the rice put the coconut wrapped in red cloth.
Vaibhav did the remedy and within 8 days all the members of house came one by one from hospital. This can happen to anyone. Be cautious about all these things. So God is great and have faith on God
Bye bye.