I asked ,did she do or saw anything there. She said that beside the stone there was niche made where she would keep a piece of Chapati and one day she had eaten a sweet kept by someone.
Some clue I was getting. You know how. Exactly niche in spiritual world is known as abode of spirits. It is so because spirit is called by the practitioner. Exactly seance is done.
Seance means to communicate with spirits. I became sure that niche was concerned with calling of spirits and giving them a place (niche). Here the petitioner make the spirit happy by giving the spirits what they want. In return spirits give the practitioner materialistic happiness. In the case of Shubhi paranormal thing was so powerful that it barred or stopped all the communication which were involved in meditation.
I told Sudheer and shubhi that there was something wrong with that place. Sudheer asked me that how it could be possible as the event took place about 15 years ago and nothing ominous was felt. I told them that I could not give any answer just then but my intuition said that the place had some connection with the dreams of shubhi . I do not want to frighten them so I asked them to make plan of going to that place.
After two days we started off for that place. By car it took about 8 hours to reach the village where shubhi spent her childhood. We reached the village at 7:00 p.m. Since it was the month of November it became dark at 7 p.m.
I told them to stay there in the village and in morning we should be going there. Village was not much changed ,shubhi easily recognised the ways and thing present in village.
We stayed in the village to one of the acquaintance of Shubhi’s father who had earlier sent a message to them. In morning at about 9 p.m we went on foot to that place as that place was nearly one kilometre from there. In 15 years, much was changed. We were going, talking with each other just then shubhi pointed out that place .She recognised the place by the huge neem tree which was above it.
Stone was not present over which shubhi would sit and eat her tiffin. But niche was present in the same state as it was 15 years ago.
I sat 2 metres away from niche and started my meditation. It was too horrifying. I felt many types of bad vibration existing there, in other words the place was the realm of spirits. I told both of them about the meditation and we went back to village.
I enquired about that place from an old man of the village. He told me that 30 years ago, there had been a fatal accident between two buses where at least 30 people died.
After the accident, that place became Haunted as one could hear the voice of someone crying or asking for help. So the village people brought a tantrik and he gave all the Spirits a place i. e. Niche where Shubhi would sit and eat her tiffin beside it. The accident took place 6 month before the transfer of Shubhi’s father over that place. It was clear that spirits were creating chaos in Shubhi’s life. She had inadvertently made a mistake by giving food to many spirits. Now the Spirits were after her and the main intention of all the Spirits was that to bring shubhi in their world as she was generous to them. Now the question arises who was bald big demon.
I questioned old man about that person, old man told us that the chief of one of the clan had the same appearance as told by me. Next day we came that to our respective homes.
Next day they came. Now origin of problem was traced and their comes the time of remedy. I told shubhi to add ‘Bajrang Baan’ in her Puja. This is the recitation where God protects the person from Demons and spirits. I told her to recite Bajrang Baan 25 times before going to bed. First day when shubhi did the ‘Bajrang Baan’ she saw in her dream nothing new. On the 11th day she saw in a dream a small monkey accompanying her. She felt so much confidence in dream that she came down from the mountains and entered the field.
She saw that many sprits encircled her but their faces were full of fear. It was so because monkey was with her. Shubhi asked them why they were after her. They answered in scary voice that she was very good as she provided them food. They told that they were very hungry and what she was watching there was an illusion. Shubhi told them that she would come again and do the final remedy.
When shubhi came to me she was brimming with confidence. I told that ambassador of Hanuman ji was with her and now her problem will be rectified. I told her to ask them what they finally wanted to free her from their clutches.
Shubhi saw the same dream, monkey was with her. The Spirits told that they wanted liberation from the existing state. That day big bald demon also came and told her that he had been eating all the food she ate in a day and rest of the day he would sleep that is why other days shubhi would not feel any hunger. In other words demon controlled her appetite. Shubhi told them that she would come again next day.
I told them that we had to do Havan at night after Shubhi sleeps . She had to sleep beside the havan. When the havan started ,shubhi saw in dream that in the field a fire was lit and Supernatural light was emanating from the fire. One by one all the spirits enterd the Fire and in last the big bald demon entered.
From that day she became normal.Now she normally eats.
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