That day I was sitting in Hanuman Ji Temple. I go there for meditation. One of my friend came towards me and sat beside me. When I opened my eyes I saw him sitting beside me. We exchanged greetings and started talking about the school life. In school we had studied together from class 1 to 12.
He knew about me that I deal with paranormal cases. Vineet ( my friends name) told me that he had an acquaintance who were in some mysterious type of problem. I asked Vineet to bring them in my place where I worship. We shook hands and and he departed.
On Saturday Vineet came with husband and wife. Both husband and wife were very nice. I asked them about their problem. They told that they had been living in a rented house for 10 years. House being very spacious so inspite of having problem they did not change the house. Then they came upon the problem. For the last 10 years they had been eating medicines like food. I asked about there family .They told that they had two children. Both husband and wife were government servants and were drawing good salary. In short, 4 members were in the family.
I asked about the medical test conducted. They said that nothing serious came out of medical test but one or other family member always depends on medicine. I asked them to collect the dust which is obtained by sweeping the house in the morning. I told them to collect the dust in morning and should be brought on the same day before me.
They brought home dust and kept it in front of me. When I meditated over it, I got a smell of burning flesh. You must be thinking how I got the particular smell. You can also achieve it if you do meditation for at least one year. How to do meditation will be consulted in the coming blogs. I asked them about the dreams. They answered in negative. It was a new thing for me because generally I have seen that in paranormal cases dream is the main instrument.
I did not say anything. I asked them to Sprinkle holy water at night before going to bed. I gave them four amulets for their safety. I ask them to put hanuman Ji vermilion in their respective navel. In short I gave them two armours(vermilon and amulets) for their safety. You can also do this for your safety against paranormal activities. I will tell you how to make powerful amulets in a particular blog.
Let’s go to the real story again, names of husband and wife were brijesh and Bina.
After 2 days , in morning my phone rang at 8:00 a.m. Brijesh was on line. He told me that at night hoarse voices were audible . Voices were not clear but they were so scared that can freeze the blood. He also told that the blood was dripping from ceiling. Brijesh tested the blood in lab and it was the blood of human being. Whole house was filled with a smell that exists in a graveyard .
I told them to meet me next day. When they came next day, I told them to sit in front of me. I meditated over them for about 15 minutes. In my meditation came the feeling of three Graves. I could feel 6 red eyes as somebody was watching from the grave.
I told them a remedy. I told them at 12 p.m they have to sit in a room. First they have to pray God. After that they have to say that they are not the enemy of ghosts. If any mistake is done then kindly tell.
Let us see what will be the answer. Since the family was wearing armours in form of amulets and vermilion so I was not worried about them. Now I would like to tell you one thing. Never go against any spirit and never give anything to eat if they ask you for something. Always keep in mind that god is saviour and you should wear the Armour of God.
However, the sprits did not answer anything but the volume of hoarse voices increased. Now they felt that two or three persons moving in the whole house and they could not see them. The given remedy did not work.
It was the turn of second remedy. I gave them 551 cloves. All the cloves were infused with Mantra. I asked them to soak all the cloves in ghee or clarified butter. At 12:00 p.m I told them to light a fire either of coal or wood. Then one by one put the cloves into fire taking the name of your God. So 551 cloves means 551 times the name of god.
They did the therapy and this time brijesh encounterd the dream. He saw 3 Ghosts but their faces were not visible. Man ghost , woman Ghost and the child ghost. They told Brijesh that they had been living there for 150 years. House owner would always provide them the desired food. But after their arrival they did not get any food and are now very hungry. They vanished after telling that they live under the floor.
Brijesh went straight away to house owner and asked explanation about the dream. In starting the house owner ignored but when brijesh asked sternly then he spewed the fact. He told Brijesh in the basement there are three Graves. He would give them the food and made them happy. In return they give lot of money.
With this story Brijesh and Bina came to meet me. I told them that ghost had been fed that is why they have become so strong. I told them to take the Statue of God ,I give them in writing how to install the idol. I gave then a particular Mantra and told them that they have to worship God daily. Mantra was ‘ Om Shri hanumate Namah’.
From that day the graph of problem came down , symptoms of Ghosts vanished. In a year they were free from medicines.GOD IS GREAT.