I was reading Hanuman Chalisa in my temple. One of my distant brother came to meet me. After talking about various matter he said that he had come for somebody. He said the particular person is in great problem. I asked that person whereabouts. I also asked about the problem. My distant brother told me that he had no idea of the problem.
He said name of the person is Vijay who works with him. He said that whenever he asked about the problem , vijay always made excuses. My brother told me that he was the well wisher of Vijay that is why he wants that Vijay should meet me. I asked my brother to tell Vijay that he should meet me on Tuesday between 7 and 7:30 p.m.
On Tuesday vijay came to meet me. For 10 minutes we talked about some official matters and then I asked him about his problem. I saw that he was hesitant to state his problem.
I told him that if he would not tell me the problem then how the problem will be rectified.
He told me that he lives with his father, wife and two daughters. He also told me that he wants a son to be born. I asked him that what was the problem. He said that this is the only problem. I could not understand what he wanted to say.
Then he told me full story. He told me that for the last two years whenever his wife becomes pregnant, everything goes fine for 5 months but as soon as 6 month of pregnancy comes, child in the womb gets aborted.
He told me that this incidence has occurred three times within these two years, due to this health of a wife has fallen significantly. I asked whether he has consulted a doctor or not. He told me that doctor is also unable to understand that why everything is spoiled after 5 months.
Doctor has done every type of treatment but everything is in vain. I asked Vijay to come with his wife next Saturday.
On Saturday vijay came with his wife. I asked the wife to sit in front of me and I started meditating. Two things came in my meditation. First thing came in my meditation ,the image of a lady having long hair and eating a piece of meat. Second thing I saw was a Farm.
I asked Vijay’s wife that did she see any dream. She told me as soon as 5 months of pregnancy are completed she dreams of a murder.
Then in the morning bleeding starts and the baby in the womb dies. She told me that different type of dreams always come when 5 months are completed. Sometimes she see the flesh from which blood is dripping, sometimes she see that she has fallen in a pool of blood. In short we can say that blood and flesh were the main features of her dreams.
I did not tell them about those things which had come in my meditation. I asked wife of Vijay to lay down on his back. Then I checked the energy point below her naval. I found that the energy point has become passive. Energy point below the naval tells about the strength the power of reproduction in both men and women. I took a White thread and applied vermilion of Hanuman Ji over the thread. Then I tied that thread around her waist. This was done for the protection of womb. I asked Vijay to come with his wife next Tuesday.
On Sunday when I stepped out of my temple I saw Vijay standing. I asked the reason of his coming. He told me that his wife witnessed scary dream. She saw a very dirty lady with long hair chasing her, but she could not touch her. I said don’t worry and gave Vijay an amulet. I told Vijay to tie the talisman around her wife’s neck. Then I told Vijay to come with his wife on Tuesday evening.
Both came on Tuesday. His wife told that after that day no dream came but she feels that somebody always moves with her . That day I told them about the things which came in the meditation. They both started to see my face.
I gave them a Mantra’ om hung pawan Nandanay Swaha’. I told his wife to recite this Mantra at least 551 times daily for 11 days and then they should meet me.
After 11 days Vijay came and told me that now they are not so much scared and the situation is in control .
I asked Vijay where is his village? He told that it is about 25 kilometres from here. I told Vijay to go to his village on Sunday. After reaching there he should go to his farm and try to collect some information from next door that any incident happened 2 years ago or not.
When Vijay came from his village, he told me that no such incident happened 2 years ago. I did not say anything. I had one thing clear in my mind that if something had come in my meditation then it is sure that God wants to convey some message to me. I asked Vijay to come with his wife.
Vijay came with his wife. I asked his wife , did she go to the village 2 years back. She answered that she had gone to village in summer vacations. I asked if she had met any woman. She thought a lot then told me that she met a woman of another village at the farm. “We talked a lot and while talking that woman slipped,I laughed at her”she told me after that the woman went to her home. Anita was the name of that lady. I told Vijay to go to Anita’s village and find her whereabouts. I thought Anita might be a tantrik women.
After four days Vijay came to me and told me that he was able to gain information about Anita.
According to Vijay anita died 2 years ago in June . I said what else he found out. Family members of Anita told Vijay that she died along with the six month old baby in his stomach .
Now the problems knot was solved.
When Vijay came on Tuesday with his wife I told his wife that today before going to sleep, sit on the bed and say ” Anita forgive me. Please forgive me and tell what I have done”.
Vijay and his wife could not understand what I was saying but I told them to do as said.
In morning at 5:30 a.m my mobile Rang, vijay was speaking and he was much disturbed. I asked him to come at 8:00 a.m. Both husband and wife came at 8:00 a.m. Vijay’s wife saidβ I said all those words before sleeping as told by you, in my dream I saw a very dirty women having long hair. Her face changed and face of Anita was visibleβ. Anita told that she got stomach injury due to slipping. Due to that injury her 6 month old baby died in stomach and she also died due to infection. Anita told Vijay’s wife that she was taking revenge for her laugh. Vijay’s wife told that she apologized profusely and in last Anita forgave her.
Vijay said that what will happen now. I said now there is no problem . After a year Vijay came and gave me a news along with the box of sweets that son is born.