The ghost were against all men. The wanted that men should either leave the house or die. Then I came upon the interpretation of smell of flesh and wine. I tell you by my experience that why I was getting the smell of flesh and wine. I asked them who had done the worship of devil by offering them meat and wine. They started seeing my face.
Gore was startled, he asked me how did I know that. I smiled and answered that what I was asking they should answer that only. Renuka pressed Gore’s hand and made a gesture to stop gore from speaking.
She said that Gore was very small when this incident happened. She told me that at that time Gore was three years old and she was 10 years old. Then she started telling that a tantrik came with their father about 37 or 38 years back. Tantrik was tanned black in colour and wearing a garland of bone in neck. In hand he held a skull and his eyes were very big and blood red. Father had ordered mother to go inside with all the children and nobody would come out until the Puja ends.
Renuka saw all the events happ-ening in the Courtyard from the terrace. She told that the tantrik was reciting some Mantra by taking the skull in his hand. She saw her father bringing meat in a bowl and two bottles of wine. He had put everything just in front of tantrik. Renuka explained that tantrik put some piece of meat on the skull and then poured some wine over the skull. She saw the skull was moving in his hand. After after doing some Pooja ,which she could not understand.,He told her father to offer meat and wine every Sunday. In her father’s ear he murmured something and then her father give some money into into her hand. After that tantrik left the house.
So every Sunday meat and wine became the common offering for the devils. As long as his father lived this practice continued every Sunday. Problems were there but not so much. Her father diet 33 years before after that the devil started raging. Till today there raging had increased to maximum. So the mystery of wine and meat solved as seen in meditation.
Problem was too intense, because in this case only amulets would not work. Here the ghost were too powerful therefore some powerful remedy woodwork. Nobody is more great than God. I concluded that God could only save Gore and renuka’s family. I asked them to give me two day’s time.
I wanted to to meditate deeply over the issue because I knew that the small mistake would prove fatal for the family of Gore. Then it was the time of meditation. I will give you some tips on meditation. I closed my eyes and started taking the name of God in my mind for half an hour. After half an hour in my mine only I told my problem to God. I sat infront of God with closed Eyes. In a short while solution started coming in my mind. Dear readers this is not the game of one day. In one of my blog I will tell you about meditation but one thing you should keep in mind that full devotion and time is required. It might take 2-3 years to get full result.
However in my meditation two remedies came which l had to convey to Gore and Renuka.
They came on time. I gave them a pocket diary and pen to write. First thing I told them to buy stone statue of Lord Hanuman. Statue should not be less than 2 and half feet. I warned them not to bring the statue at home before the stipulated date ,which I would tell. I gave them the option that either to bring the statue on the stipulated day or put the statue in somebody house before the stipulated date. Second thing, I warned them not to discuss anything in their house about what I was telling them. Third thing I told that the Statue of Lord Hanuman should be installed in their house on the day of puranmashi (full moon day). Fourth thing was to buy rose water, kewra water about half litre in quantity respectively. They should Store a gallon of holy water. They had to buy 1kg of Hanuman Ji Vermilon , 200 ml of jasmine oil of branded company, two Rose garlands, 1 kg of sweet and five types of fruits (half kg) along with a packet of incense sticks.
Then I told them the procedure to write down in the diary. In the morning after 8 a.m they had to bring the Statue of Lord Hanuman in their house. After that they had to install the Statue of Lord Hanuman over the platform made especially for the Lord in the house.
After putting the statue over the platform, bathe the statue with holy water, rose water and kewra water. After doing this mix Hanuman Ji vermillion in Jasmine oil such that it becomes like paste. Apply the paste of vermilion and Jasmine oil over the Statue of Lord Hanuman. Then put rose garland around the neck of Lord.Burn incense sticks in front of God along with the offering of 1kg of sweet.
So they installed the statue as I told them. This was unexpected move for the devils. That night they could hear the clear voices of weeping. That night it felt as hurricane had come in the house. Everybody sat and slept near the Lord Hanuman statue for whole night. A devil came over the daughter of first brother. She started speaking that nobody could turn them out from that house as they had lived in the house for 50 years. After that she became unconscious when Renuka applied hanuman Ji vermilion in her navel.Gradually paranormal effect decreased and after 10 days they felt some relief.
I instructed them to apply the paste of vermilion in Jasmine oil daily over the Statue of Lord Hanuman after washing Hanuman Ji with holy water, kewra water and rose water. In short they had to serve Hanuman Ji with full devotion. I told them that it would take a year or two to eliminate the effect of devils which existed over 50 years.
God is great ,thank you.